a TBRS year

I think I’m declaring 2014 as a To-Be-Read-Shelf year. I can read or re-read anything I own, but no buying new books until I’ve cleared out most of what I’ve collected. (EasterCon and World Fantasy added an awful lot to the TBR shelf.) Possibly I’ll go so far as to go around and make a list of what’s *on* the shelf, to keep a sort of focused order to things. Or not.

I’m still going to do the GGK re-read, starting in January with the Fionavar Tapestry, and think it would be swell if people did that read-along with me. :)

*laughs* A spirited discussion about some Guardian list of the 1000 novels you should read came up with a more honest “Here’s a list of 20 books I wish everybody would read so I could talk with them about them” suggestion. The above paragraph reminded me of that. :)

I’m wibbling ferociously about the Birthday of the Unconquered Sun party. On one hand I really want to do it. On the other, weekends are as close as I’ve got to dedicated writing time, and Fred is going to fly to Ireland and kill me if I don’t have STONE’S THROE done by Jan 15. As well he should. :/

Wholock: fan made Sherlock meets the Doctor video. Pretty sure I want to watch this, but not right now.

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2 thoughts on “a TBRS year

  1. You have contributed a lot to my read list. I have liked your recommendations. I will be reading Fionavar Tapestry for the first time. I can’t wait.

  2. Oh, well, cool. You’ll either love it or be unable to read it; that seems to be how GGK’s work is received in general. I mean, there are a few books of his I’m indifferent to, but as a pantheon I love his work. :)

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