things I have learned

Things I have learned from the Intarwebs today:

– it is possible to grow raspberries in a container
– it is not possible to grow raspberries in a container
– it is possible to grow raspberries in a container, but only if it is a shallow container
– it is possible to grow raspberries in a container, but only if it is a deep container
– the problem is not so much growing raspberries as stopping them from growing
– unless they’ve got rot, in which case the problem is getting them to grow

Now, as a control, or perhaps sheer orneriness, I have planted one set of raspberries in a deepish container and one in a shallow container. We shall See What Happens. There are also tayberries and black currants planted in the shallower container, and tomorrow after I get more dirt I’ll plant more, as well as planting the cherry tree and buying strawberries to plant. And! Ted has gotten fresh herbs to start growing, which *quiver* om nom nom. I’m very pleased with all of this, because I come from a land where food does not grow on trees. :)

It seems, though, that all I’ve done today is plant-related. My other things haven’t gotten done yet, somehow. Oh well, there’s always tomorrow!

miles to Minas Tirith: 103.8
