
4500 words today. I would dearly love it if I continued at this pace all week, but even if I don’t I’m very pleased with the last couple of days. And I made myself cry with a scene today, so I hope it has the same effect on other people. :)

I have done pilates and gone for a short walk today. I think I might go for a longer one after dinner, because it’s beautiful out.

ytd wordcount: 133,300
miles to Minas Tirith: 197.5

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2 thoughts on “*thud*

  1. Please remind us every so often which book you are working on.
    And does the friction from all those keystrokes tend to melt your keyboards? Heh. Write on.

  2. I’m working on DEMON HUNTS, book five of the Walker Papers. And the keyboard hasn’t quite melted yet… :)

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