Call of Cthulhu: Teddy, Irritating Moral Compass

Theodore "Teddy" Logan, my Call of Cthulhu character, as depicted by Keanu Reeves in A Walk In The Clouds.

This week’s CoC session began with us still in Derby, where we spent a while trying to figure out how to break into the walk-in safe on the factory floor (a factory which, if you will recall, two of our party broke into “because we hoped there might be monsters,” only to be told straight-up by the GM that there were no monsters here, lads, you’re just criminals. :laughs:), a conversation that eventually went:

GM: You do have dynamite.

Dylan, sharpshooter: That’s right, I do!

Teddy, horrified: We cannot blow up a factory floor full of innocents! Those people are our friends (by which he means, they met once, last night at the pub)! We are meant to defeat a great evil, not become one!


So after some debate we went down to London to see about a ship. Evelyn (NYC socialite) attempted to flirt information out of the ship’s captain while at a pub.

Evelyn, alluringly: Is this seat taken?

Captain Lars, managing a heavy Norwegian accent in one word: No.

Evelyn, sitting: Can I buy you a drink, sailor?

Lars: Yes.

Evelyn, buying him a drink: So are you from around here?

Lars: ::looks at her like she’s nuts::

Evelyn, flirting to the chase: I’d love to know all about your travels and where your ship has been and what kind of cargo you carry.

Lars: This makes me very uncomfortable. I’m leaving.


That worked a treat and after some negotations in which we (and by ‘we’ we mean Evelyn and Lord Summerset, because Dylan was feeding Teddy a steady supply of whiskey to keep him out of the conversation) learned that Lars wanted nothing more to do with the business he was involved in and for the right price, which Evelyn anted up, he’d sell her all the cargo and scarper off with the ship & crew to Singapore to make a new life for themselves.

By the time these negotiations were over, Teddy was Quite Drunk. Summerset took him for one of his own favorite treats to get some food in his stomach: jellied eels.

…so yeah, after Teddy was done throwing up, we got trucks and rented a warehouse–

Well, first we cased the docks to see the ship we were steali, uh, liberatin, uh, BUYING stuff from, and we were in danger of being seen.

GM: does anybody try to stealth or anything?

Eleanor, OOC: I have a point of disguise…

Me: I have LOADS of disguise!

Eleanor, OOC, in despair: Teddy isn’t SMART enough to use disguise! He’d be like, ::adopts Teddy voice, and you can HEAR her adopting a heroic stance:: “Hello! I know you do not recognize me, for I am in disguise, but fear not! It is I, Teddy “Theodore” Logan!”

Me, dying: I cannot dispute this.

–and THEN we made off with the goods from the ship, but NOT without first assaulting and kidnapping a young man watching the goings-on.

Lars: Give him to me, he’s a witness, Imma kill him.

Summerset, spending a point of reassurance: Not so hasty, my good friend! If you let me have him, first I’ll torture him for information and THEN kill him!

Lars: Okay. ::scarpers::

Teddy, discovering we’ve assaulted and kidnapped a young man
: Oh no! What do we intend to do with him?

The entire party, who should all have been spending a point of reassurance except Teddy is so very easy to reassure: oh don’t worry dear we’re going to have a nice little chat with him and then bring him to a nice farm upstate where he’ll live happily the rest of his life with all the other dogs and cats

Teddy: Oh! Okay!

Before we got around to, um, having a nice little chat with the young man, we emptied the crates we’d liberated from the ship, which included some nice discoveries like an ancient murder knife, masses of mysterious technologically advanced weaponry that nicely matched the schematics we’d gotten from the factory in Derby–

Teddy: I think that perhaps we should consider returning to Derby and doing something about that factory!

Everybody else: NOT NOW, TEDDY

–and a pair of magic shoes which were made from…human feet. Stretched, bulbous, tanned human feet.

Most of us passed our stability checks. o.o

Summerset: Teddy! Let’s go get supplies for our long evening at the warehouse!

Teddy: But what about the young man we have tied up?

Summerset: That’s why we need supplies!

Teddy: Oh! Of course!

They exit to get supplies.

Dylan, brandishing a knife at the young man we’ve kidnapped: Tell me everything!

Young man: No!

Evelyn: ::slaps the shit out of the kid::

Dylan: ::HORROR::

Young man: ::eventually tells them everything::

Dylan: I know Summerset promised Lars, but I don’t think we should kill this kid.

GM: You get the information, but it takes three to four hours. How are you going to keep Teddy from coming back??

Me: that’s what I was wondering!

Summerset’s player: no i have a PLAN

Summerset: Teddy, it’s late, all the shops are closed, let’s go to my town house to get supplies.

Me: oh that’ll work, he’ll forget all about having to bring things back to the rest of the party

Teddy, enthusiastically: that sounds very nice! I would very much like to see your house!

Summerset, dryly, both IC and OOC: That’s what I thought.

So Summerset and Teddy had a lovely evening eating nice food in the nice warm house and being waited upon by the manservant, while Dylan and Evelyn tormented a kid in a warehouse and then realized what they’d done and took severe stablity loses.

We return to find very shaken companions.

Teddy: whatever has happened? You look so shaken! Here! We have brought lovely food and drink! What’s wrong?

Evelyn: ::necks a bottle of expensive wine::

Dylan: evelyn beat a kid up and we tortured him for information

Teddy, horrified: WHAT?

Summerset: What Dylan means, Teddy, is that they had a little talk that got a little unpleasant and it’s upset Dylan. Why don’t you go talk with him for a little while? I’m sure that will help.

Teddy, hugely relieved: Oh. Okay.

Teddy, spending 2 points of psychiatry and putting his hand on Dylan’s shoulder: Dylan, my friend, tell me what it is that troubles your soul. I am here to listen.

Summerset’s player: I love Teddy so much.

Evelyn’s player: We ALL love Teddy.

GM: We do. It’ll be such a shame when I have to kill him.


Evelyn: NOOOOO you can’t kill the one good guy on our team!

GM: the good ones are the most fun to kill

Me: as an author, I have to agree with that

Dylan got some stability back (look! something Teddy’s actually good at! listening to what troubles peoples’ souls! :D) and Summerset helped Evelyn get some of HER stability back, AND as it turned out stopping that shipment of magic feet and mysterious plans was a significant step against the doomsday clock, so we ALL got a couple more points of stability back, and were Very Proud Of Ourselves!

It really is going to be such a shame when poor Teddy dies. :)

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