Oh, rock on. Hooray for Google! I discovered last Friday that my booklist file had somehow gotten chomped and I’d lost the list of everything I’d read after the 20th of June, which was the last Google cache I could find for it. I reconstructed the list just now, but on a whim went to see if Google’d cached a more recent version, and indeed, they had! I lost nothing at all! Hooray for Google! (Although I did properly reconstruct the list, I discovered after comparing the list I’d put together to the one I got from Google. :)) Hooray for Google!
Also hooray for me, ’cause I walked 5 miles today. Hooray for me!
miles to Lothlorien: 107 (a MERE 370 to go!)
Have I mentioned how much I love your booklist? At least half of my (disturbingly large, at the moment) “To Be Read” shelf was inspired by it. :)
Speaking of the TBR shelf, have you read the new Friedman yet? I just got it yesterday and want to finish the series I’m reading before plunging in.
No, you hadn’t mentioned. Hee! Cool! My own disturbingly large TBR shelf is mostly inspired by random purchases at the bookstore, I fear. :)
I haven’t read the new Friedman. I haven’t read the new Kay, and I haven’t read the new Hambly, either. I’m a terrible slacker!
Lemme know when you’re ready to read the Friedman and I’ll read it so we can talk about it. :)
I’m guessing I’ll get to it some time early next week. I have 2 more Pratchett books in this sub-series to read, once I finish the 50ish pages I have left in my current one, but I’m anticipating a kind of busy and non-book-filled weekend. More’s the pity. I’ll let you know when I officially start the thing.
There’s a new Kay?!?! And I don’t have it?!?
Apparently so. :) Last Light of the Sun, which came out in March. And I haven’t READ it yet. Woe! Woe is ME!
I’m in even worse straits– I didn’t even know it existed! Wow, do I suck!
Well, now you know, so you can remedy your error. Besides, it’s in hardback, so maybe it just hadn’t encroached on your consciousness yet. :)