Ted and I watched the last four episodes of season 7 Stargate last night. Now I must babble about it, because it’s eating my brain! Behind the cut tag, because I will be discussing a hyoooooooge spoiler! (Furthermore, I’ll be discussing it immediately, so if you haven’t watched season 7 yet (yes I’m talking to you Emily), don’t click.)
I was SO not prepared for that! AUGH! *AUGH*! *WAH*! I mean, I knew it wasn’t O’Niell because he’s the star, and I didn’t see how it could be the young guy because nobody knew him, so who cared? but I was NOT PREPARED for them to kill off Janet! *AUGH*!
It was really good. In an awful, heart-wrenching way. Totally shocking. Which, y’know, when you kill off a character, that’s how it ought to be. But WAUGH! *snivel*! Waugh!
The other neepery is that wow, this was like the Season of Sam, at least for the second half, which rocked. I really, really enjoyed…well, all of it! The episode “Grace” where she gets a concussion and has the heartwrenching discussion with Jack (“I mean, let’s face it, I’m not that complex.”) even if it is just her own subconscious she’s talking to. And the flip side of Jack back at the base being .so. .damned. .frustrated. because Carter’s missing. And Teal’c stopping by to tell Jack that when he was missing the previous season (not exactly how Teal’c phrased it, of course), Sam’d been equally frustrated and helpless. That was just a nice touch, especially in comparison to Daniel’s bewildered look when Jack blew up at him. Teal’c obviously knows how that relationship stands, and Daniel didn’t seem to. That was appropriate. :)
I’m really glad they opted to deal with their relationship some more, although I’ve also really liked that overall they *haven’t* touched it. I mean, ever since the four or so episodes in what, season 3? 4? Where they acknowledged the whole mess, there’ve since been like two references, and those were nothing more than Jack and Sam exchanging a wry look.
But OH. MY. GOD. *HUGE* change in their relationship as SOON as Sam found herself a boyfriend! (A really, really cute boyfriend, may I add. Holy cow.) From the very very funny elevator scene (Sam enters elevator, humming the Stargate theme. “You’re humming.” “I’m not! I was?” “You were. What’s his name?” “Whose name! There’s nobody! Pete.” “Ah.” “How’d you know?” “Humming.”) to, most especially, the episode where Sam gets caught on the planet with the supersoldier after her, and she’s just worn down completely and exhausted and can’t believe she’s alive at the end, and Jack says, “C’mere,” and puts his arm around her shoulder and she leans on him…holy COW! Jack would NEVER have done that prior to Pete! Ted was like, “It’s safe for him to do that now.” Shaun and I were like, “It’s a TERRITORY WAR! This is MY Sam! POSSESSIVE JACK!”
And then “Heroes, Part II”, where Janet dies and Jack very nearly died, and she’s trying to tell him how scared she was, without making herself really vulnerable (just really nicely done, their whole relationship, because there’s a HUGE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM and they CAN’T TALK ABOUT IT), and I swear I spent the entire second half of the season convinced Jack was going to throw caution to the wind and just kiss the woman, and I’m all *hreef*! *hreef*!, but even if he didn’t kiss her he did hug her, and that was a *good* hug, dammit! None of this A-frame proper stuff. He even put his nose in her neck. *sniffle*
And then Jack downloads the Ancients’ database into his head again and she goes to his house to Not Talk About The Elephant, and *WAUGH*. *snivel*! And then she tells him she’s been given permission to take command if it becomes necessary and he says he’ll make it easy for her, he’ll resign, and I’m like, “KISS HER, YOU DIP!” although instead she says, “What I was trying to say at your house,” and he says, “I know,” and it’s all very AUGH! *AUGH*!
I LOVE it, but AUGH! And then she calls him Jack, when he’s dying. That’s the third time in seven years she’s called him Jack. The first time was when they were in Antarctica and he thought she was Sarah, the second time was when she woke up from the concussion back at SGC and didn’t know he was real, and that was the third time. AUGH! *flails around* It’s KILLING me! It’s all KILLING me! *kicks feet and runs around* AUGH!
Yes. That was it, exactly. (:
Now I have to go open my Stargate box and watch all the episodes again.
But it may have to wait, because I have ALL the television on DVD to watch.
Y’know, it’s funny; I pretty much thought season 7 was crap as we were watching it on broadcast, thoroughly annoyed by the Sam/Jack stuff, mad as hell about Janet…but now you’ve made me want to give it a second chance, so I’ll have to Netflix it at some point. I may still hate it (I loathed obsessive-stalker-Pete, frex), but now I’m curious.
So, good work! o.O
Pete the obsessive stalker made me a little mad, yeah, although I could sort of see where he was coming from. Still, overall, I *really* liked all the Sam storyline, so.
*giggles at Deen* :)
I was annoyed by stalker Pete, but more because I was worried about him putting himself in danger. I totally understood why he was doing it, and I would have been so very very angry with him had I been Sam and found out, but. Yeah.
I’ll have to finish Smallville, soon.
I’d have been pissed if I were Sam, too, but I presume him getting his ass shot off superceded her being pissed. :)