Snowing. Bah.

It’s snowing. Bah. The weather forecast said it was going to, but it’s been wrong for the last six weeks any time it’s predicted any kind of change in the weather, so I was hoping it’d be wrong again today. No such luck. I walked anyway, so I feel *extremely* superior. I’m hoping it’ll warm up some this afternoon so I can, or so I’ll feel more like, walking again.

Shaun rescued me from having to do something extreme like go work out from boredom again last night. Actually, I don’t think I would’ve anyway, because I was doing pretty well with sitting there staring vacantly at the books, but I didn’t want to read and I didn’t want to use a computer and watching a whole movie seemed like way too much commitment and there was no L&O on (I still think that should be illegal) and so I was sitting there and Shaun said, “Gargoyles?” And I admitted I’d considered watching Gargoyles, but I was too lazy to get up, unwrap the package, and put it in the DVD player. So Shaun did it for me. *laugh* But I DID turn on the television! Of course, I had the remote right next to my hand… :)

Anyway, that really is a pretty damned good show. I watched the first 4 episodes, which I’d never seen, and decided I was too sleepy to watch the 5th and final part of it, so I turned it off and then L&O *was* on, and Elliot’s wife had left him, so I had to stay up another half hour to see if they’d tell me any more about that. They didn’t. Fortunately for me, the next episode was an older one, not the next one sequentially, so I didn’t have to stay up til midnight to find out more about Elliot’s home life. :)

Gotten my quota in so far today. Gonna go write some more in a bit here. Somebody rejected Angles today, the fools, the fools. Perhaps this fall when I’ve finished writing everything I’m being paid for I’ll give it another edit. I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt.

I need to make new bread.

miles to Rauros Falls: 158

3 thoughts on “Snowing. Bah.

  1. lol. Yeah, I imagine you would. We’re supposed to get cooler weather towards the end of the week, but nothing lower than 64-68ish.

    You know, at some point the weather almost *has* to get warmer. Of course, then we’ll all complain it’s too hot. *grin*

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