not a bad day, in fact.

Not a bad day. Not a bad day at all, in fact. I got about 4800 words written, thanks in definite part to the wonderful people at Forward Motion, who did a couple of word wars with me this evening and helped me get the last chapter I needed to write written.

Someone died unexpectedly in this chapter. Can’t wait to watch the fallout of *that*. Writing is so fun. :)

*Also* went out with Jai to a *hat shop*, where I found a completely smashing fedora that I Had To Have, and she bought a fantastic straw hat with a wonderful velvet band and a tulle (I think it’s tulle) flower. It looks brilliant on her. I think between her and me and Tori we tried on every hat in the shop. :) Lots of fun! Then we went off to Title Wave to have coffee (or actually tea and water, but who’s counting) and talked for an hour. Jai is good and thoroughly hooked on Buffy. Ahahaha. :)

Then I went to see “Diary of a Mad Black Woman”, which was completely wonderful, and my darling husband picked me up so I didn’t have to walk home, and indeed, it has been a most satisfactory day.

ytd wordcount: 134,900
miles to Rauros Falls: 286

3 thoughts on “not a bad day, in fact.

  1. Hello there…. Laura’s friend from NJ (took you and Ted to NYC, ‘member me?)

    Just finished Urban Shaman… Woo Hoo!

    Comments from the odd Geek: Loved the way you mixed Amerind and Celtic magic, loved the humor and the repartee in the book. It was an engrossing, quick read – which for me means I’m “in” the story — and hoping for MORE MORE MORE! Loved the way you made all the characters ‘real’, and included personality even in small roles such as her replacement mechanic. And the magick was spookily correct! Who’d’ah guessed you were spooky?

    Comments from the highly educated Geek: Nice character development arcs in the story – the way you explained the root of the antagonisim between her and her boss, showed the mutual attraction (I’m close enough to kiss him…) and her internal monalogue simply ‘rung true’. Also all the “hinting” about activity occuring “off stage” re: (backstage stuff deleted ’cause there are more spoilers in it than I want posted on my webpage just now! –Catie) Leaving loose ends – and leaving the reader wanting more.

    Back to just me: I can see back story on the cabbie – why is he so amenable to spiritual matters? Future development on her relationship with her boss? Possibly romantic? What about the other cop who can see the dead?

    I’ve finished the first book and I care about the characters…

    So… here’ hoping we’ll all be reading book 27 in the series in a decade..

    Congrats – this calls for GOOD champagne.


  2. Of course I remember you, Barry. Sheesh. :)

    I’m glad you enjoyed the book! (Forgive me for editing your comment a little. The bit that I deleted was more spoilery than I want posted until the book’s been out a little longer!)

    And for what it’s worth, I’m planning 9 books, not 27, but I certainly hope we all get to read all 9 of them, at least. :)

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