CARDINAL RULE author alterations are FINISHED and SUBMITTED, a whacking two days ahead of time. The pile of thinks to do is *finally* getting *smaller*. Next, despite having completely failed to get my act together enough to send TBF to people for commentary, I will do my last-final-final revisions on *it* tomorrow and send *it* off. It is due “in the middle of August”. This is still the middle of August. *determined look*
Then back cover copy for TBF and CR, and then, By God, I Am Going To Catch Up On My Reading.
Wow. My God. I’m feeling like there’s suddenly a light at the end of a tunnel that was previously not only unlit, but in fact laden, nay, barrelling, with trains that roared toward me from multiple directions at once, barely missing one another as they smashed past one another, kicking up tumultuous winds and blinding me with the dust from stone shattered to create their passageways.
(Now I’m feeling like a Bulwyr-Lytton contest entry!)
I’m so relieved I think I’ll clean out some closets tonight!
miles to Mount DOOOOM: 48
Wowza, you sure are knocking them down. Nice work! Oh, and my brain has a message for you:
“Finished Urban Shaman. More, please!”
soon! soon! november! Glad you liked it! :)
I’m with Cal! Send you an email, btw – sometimes junk filters think my email addy is junk though (I keep wondering if I should be offended by that… *L*) so if ya didn’t get it, or can’t find it, lemme know and I’ll toss it your way again. *Grins*
Suffice it to say – I liked it *very* much!
aka a voice from the past. *g*