Several months ago I discovered a Kickstarter for three deluxe Wendy Pini books, two on Elfquest and one on her other work. Reader, I agonized. I do not, by any stretch of the imagination, require more Elfquest stuff. The completionist in me shrieks otherwise, but the truth is I got rid of most of my Elfquest originals before we moved, and I never did get several of the later Father Tree Press graphic novels (which I regret, actually, but I really still don’t like the coloring in them), but anyway,…
Author: mizkit
sunday summary
I made scones this morning and opened the maple apple butter to try it on them. oh my GOD that stuff is good Holy crap. Completely different delivery of flavour than the caramel, which is all tart apple and then slow roll of caramel. This is rich sweet maple with a low apple base, much, MUCH more maple-y than I expected from the taste I had when it was still warm. Oh my *god*. Ted’s all like: you need to start a fudge and apple butter cottage industry and sell…
Meet Baloo
Meet Baloo, the newest member of our family: Baloo is a year-old rescue dog who came to live with us a couple of weeks ago. He is, according to the rescue people, part collie (likely: he shows a tendency to herd, anyway), perhaps part lab or retriever, or, in the opinion of the woman running the place, part flat-haired terrier. He’s *definitely* very large. He’s definitely very furry. He’s also very patient, which is good, because Young Indiana cannot. stop. flinging. himself. at. the. dog. Or barking. Or running around…
shannara livetweet, eps 2-3
o no i’m watching more #shannarachronicles i might have to livetweet it again i don’t know if i can resist *SQUEAL* ARE WE GONNA HAVE THE KING OF THE SILVER RIVER OMG I’D FORGOTTEN HOW MUCH I LOVED THAT SCENE, THE WRITING, OMG lol “what happened to eyes up here”
Writing Wednesday: I finished a book!
It always strikes me, when I use that phrase, “I finished a book,” that I usually mean something different than 99% of other people do when they say it. Possibly 99.7%. I, of course, generally mean I finished writing a book, as opposed to reading one. (Although let me tell you, there are times anymore when finishing reading one seems like as much of a triumph…) Anyway, so on Monday I finished the (oh my god so very) rough draft of REDEEMER, which has been hanging over me for what…