I can’t even. The new modem arrived Wednesday. I plugged it in. It didn’t work. I called tech support. After (another) half hour on the phone with them, they concluded I had a faulty modem. A FAULTY MODEM. AFTER ALL OF THIS, A FAULTY MODEM. They sent a new modem over by courier on Thursday I plugged it in. It didn’t work. I did all the rigamarole they’d had me do on the support call the day before. I called tech support. After (another) half hour on the phone with…
Author: mizkit
internet is imminent.
Well, ‘imminent’ is probably overly hopeful. I’ve finally been able to put an order in for broadband, anyway, and we should have internet by the 14th. Probably. Hopefully. Assuming all goes well. Which I dasn’t do, at this point. :) I am, at the moment, slaving my computer to the phone again, which only seems to work sometimes. Poor Indy has a terrible cold and nobody got much sleep last night. Earlier I tried spelling ’tissue’ and typed ‘tirrue’ and then ‘sittue,’ which cannot be blamed on being at my…
Tuesday Without Internet
I have temporarily slaved my computer to my phone in order to get online for a few minutes. It is not an ideal solution. *** Oh thank god, I said faintly, somehow the rtf file (opened with libreoffce) that previously would not show comments on a manuscript has suddenly decided it doesn’t mind doing so, which means I don’t have to install god-awful-horrible Word on this machine. Not that I have internet available to me by which to install it. There are a lot of things a person can’t do…
hiatus blog #3
I’m typing at my Captain’s Chair for the first time in literally years. At the moment I’m using my laptop for my Main Computer, and it looks like the smaller-than-ideal screen isn’t going to be an issue, at least not for a while. I have dreams of getting, like, y’know, a 30″ all-in-one screen/computer thingy like a Mac whatever-they’re-called, although I’ve been using Windows for so long at this point that the idea of actually getting a Mac is pretty strange. Also very expensive, but I don’t even know if…
internet hiatus, week two…
We’re now entering week two of No Internet (it has to do with regulations here, and I’m in the process of trying to circumvent those to the greatest degree possible, but as far as I can tell we’ll either get net access by the end of the week or not until like mid-August. Mrgahgngngl. (eta, since i’m still without net three days after starting to write this: this week is not looking good. maybe next week, but i’m not counting on that either. this sucks.) Anyway, I’d meant to post…