On a more cheerful note… HAPPY HEATHERDAY!
Author: mizkit
God DAMNED CAT. He shoved one of the new bowls off the counter and destroyed it. God *DAMN* it. God DAMN it!
Ack! The Writer’s Weekend has moved locations!
i do not
i do not need a cookie before bed. o.o
rwa! is! war!
I have actually gone to a local RWA meeting! It was nice. The coolest thing was that Lani, who was the woman who talked to Shaun last fall when she was doing NaNoWriMo, and whom I emailed a few times, was there, and she has just sold her NNWM novel (I hate her) to Warner Books, so that’s really *really* neat. So it was cool to meet her! :) There were 7 people there, which isn’t a very *large* number (and, okay, I’m spoiled, because the only meetings I’ve ever…