700 words written this afternoon. I believe I’ll do some more writing this evening after birthday festivities. For now, er. For now I’m going to go to the post office and do some more laundry and and and um. Go over to the university to see if the gym’ll be open tomorrow, since the website’s down at the moment. :) Off I go! Zumzum!
Author: mizkit
busy morning
I’m sure you’ll all be very startled to hear that it’s been a busy morning. :) I got up about a quarter to nine (laaaaazzzzzzzyyyyyyy meee) and made a birthday cake which smells SO GOOD! and um. Oh, cleaned the kitchen after that. It needed it. And I showered in there, too. Between making the cake and cleaning, I mean, not in the kitchen. I didn’t shower in the kitchen. Went to dinner with Mom & Dad last night, then came home and watched an episode of Stargate I hadn’t…
Another busy day. This keeps happening. :) Went to the gym this morning and swam a decent 1800 yards, then stopped at the framing shop and picked up my Goodtree print, which is ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS, and also picked up the other silly little print that I’d dropped off to have framed. Came home, made a tuna melt for lunch (*YUM*!), Shaun checked the mail came back with, thank HEAVENS, my SASP (Self Addressed Stamped Postcard) from the publisher! One puts this in along with one’s manuscript so the publisher, upon…
if you’re happy and you know it, bomb Iraq!
Everybody must go read this right now. A sample: The song is sung to the melody of “if you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands” If you cannot find Osama, bomb Iraq. If the markets are a drama, bomb Iraq. If the terrorists are Saudi, and your alibi is shoddy, and your tastes remain quite gaudy, bomb Iraq. Compliments of John Robbins, whomever he is. :)
Not even SportsAuthority.com has men’s figure skates. What the hell. *mutter* I called the people at NewSkates.com, which is where I bought my skates, and got a return code for the skates I had and talked to the woman there who said that she probably wouldn’t bother trying to order men’s skates from them, because their men’s skates are cut in medium widths and she suspects a medium width isn’t going to be any wider than a women’s wide. She gave me another URL to try, which has proved to…