I didn’t get anything like as much as I wanted to done yesterday. Not that I had a really clear plan, which was probably the problem, but I’m reaching a state of Terminally Behind with writing, having only written 3 out of the 14 available days this year. I did finish another 1000 drawings drawing, which is *something*, anyway, and I have to go kill the dog now. Excuse me… Okay, the dog is dead. Well, no, she’s not, but at least she’s upstairs and no longer chewing on Lucy’s…
Author: mizkit
finishing up a busy weekend
Finishing up a busy weekend. I did work on a drawing a little bit last night, so I feel slightly less lame, and we went to Chicago, which I enjoyed a great deal. I didn’t know the music or the storyline, having never seen it before (well, I know All That Jazz, but who doesn’t?), and so I had no problems with whatever it is they might’ve done to the stage play in order to make it work on the screen. Renee Zellweger, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and Richard Gere can all…
busy weekend, man
I’m just Lil’ Miss Suzy Homemaker this weekend. I made banana bread and brownies and cleaned the bathroom. Well. It’s cleaner than it was. I’m not sure I’d go so far as to actually say it’s /clean/. We also shopped and went to theh post office and now the Farscape tape is winging its way to Sarah, and this afternoon after baking I had to take a nap, so I curled up under the Rogue blanket and slept for about an hour and a half, which was very good but…
more thinks to do!
More thinks to do for tomorrow! I have to write 1100 words and do a drawing and go to the gym and clean the bathroom and maybe go to Chicago (the movie, not the city) and go to the post office and and and maybe some other stuff! (I must post this tonight, because I’m not sure I’ll be on to do it in the morning.) Oh, another think to do: go through the comics and dig out all the Gambit stuff so I can prepare to scan stuff for…
Busy busy day!
Busy busy day today! I vacuumed and did laundry and got conditioner that I hope won’t make me break out and had a bookstore accident (does it count as a bookstore accident if it’s on a gift certificate?) and read a book and watched 2 episodes of Highlander AND cooked dinner AND wrote 1100 words AND went to the post office (although we left there again without sending anything because the line was 45 minutes long) AND went and brought the Goodtree print in for framing and it’s going to…