Mooooooore pictures of Breic. Anybody sensing a theme here? :)
Author: mizkit
hn. a few things accomplished.
Hn. A few things accomplished, anyway. I updated 1000 drawings a little, and updated my goals graphic a little, if not *wildly* accurately, and watched Buffy, and … now I’ll go to bed and try to get up at a sensible hour tomorrow, instead of oversleeping, which I keep doing. Night!
There. The archives are fixed, overlooking the detail that if you’re using an older browser they’ll be horked because I haven’t gotten around to finishing building a barebones version of the site yet. Well, shush; nothing’s perfect. Hnf.
nooooooo Rent
Ted is suffiently wiped out from doing things like showering and walking up the stairs that we determined it was the better part of valor not to attend Rent tonight, so I’ve sold our tickets off to someone on the local mailing list I’m on, and instead of going out to the theatre we’ll stay home and watch Buffy. :)
apples and water
Does anybody else find apples and water to be a particularly unpleasant culinary experience? Glick.