Ok, I got email back from 100megs saying that despite the fact that they (generic they, not 100megs specifically) claim 24-48 hours for new DNS to resolve, that it tends to take more like 72-96 for everything to propagate world-wide. So the site’ll probably keep flapping for another day or two. S’okay, it’s not like there’s much content on it anyway. I’m going to move my writing stuff over there, I think. Paperbacks are 7 inches tall.
Author: mizkit
Gah. I keep thinking somehow that there’s another week left in September. Four days of being somewhere else seems to have confused my tiny little brain. I’m not entirely sure how I’m going to manage moving *and* finishing the first third of MD by the 30th. Gah! _Gah_! CEMurphy.net is still not resolving properly, after all. I donno what gives with it; I’ve emailed gandi and 100megs to see if they can shed any light on the subject. I hate moving. I feel like I don’t even know where to…
I have the *best* friends.
I just got a wonderful email from my friend Jai, nagging me to write and saying some magnificently encouraging and flattering things. I have some of the absolutely most awesome friends in the world. *beam*
i am a master of profundity!
Angie was just complaining about the fact that GM asks for a subject line when you make a blog posting, and that she always feels the need to be clever, but that she’s not very good at it. In a fit of sympathy, I shared some of the last twenty or so of my subject lines: yay! cemurphy! ok, this was funny. :) bwahaha or maybe .net home! didn’t win! *laugh* *yum* Ah! ai! I am a master of profundity, I am!
yay! cemurphy!
Yay! cemurphy.net is resolving now! Yay!