a little better

My back’s a little better this morning. I’m wearing the stupid brace and I iced it last night and took aspirin and wore the brace to bed and I’m re-freezing the ice to re-ice it today … I don’t *want* my back to be screwed up. *sigh* I’m going to be really pissy if I can’t bike this afternoon because of this. *growly face*


Oooooooh, Sarah redesigned her site and I rrreeaalllly like it! Go admire it! Go Sarah! Woot! Ok, off to try to make the back stop hurting. :P Night!

ow, dammit

Well, whatever I did, it well and truly fucked up my back. Let’s hear it for muscle spasms… not. I am *seriously* displeased. :P


Feh. I sat badly after we came in from running and I seem to have screwed up my back somehow. I’m sitting less badly now and am hoping the ouchful part will go away. Feh.

we did it!

Wow, we did it. We ran for two whole minutes! Okay, not in a row, but still! I don’t remember the last time I ran two whole minutes. It was probably in junior high. :) Today’s card was 5 minutes walk, 1 minute run, 5 minute walk, 1 minute run, 5 minute walk. And it wasn’t so bad! That’s the schedule for the whole week, except, er, on the days where it’s just a 15 minute walk. :) I’m feeling irritatingly chipper. :)