Happy birthday to me, Janis, and Marilyn Monroe!
Author: mizkit
The thing about salads is I don’t really like them. Except Super Supper Salads, which are Very Best. Super Supper Salads, as you might guess, are a dinner salad. They’re very easy to make. You take a couple kinds of lettuce and toss them together on a dinner plate. You put a spoonful of tuna fish (I mix mine up into tuna salad, which probably loses in the health benefits side but wins in the taste department) in the middle of this. You drop some tomato eighths artistically around the…
C.E. Murphy?
So I’m working on this book submission for a writing contest, and I have as usual seized up when it comes to the ‘by’ part. I have this very fine name here at my disposal: Catherine Eileen Murphy. I thought for a long time that Catherine E. Murphy would look splendid on a book cover. Except when people see the name Catherine, they diminutize it to Cathy, and I truly hate being called Cathy. Of all the diminutives of Catherine that there are, I *really* loathe that one. It’s a…
perfect colors
I was just outside walking Chantico. I happened to glance up to see a brilliantly yellow and black butterfly fluttering from a tree, and very suddenly, I became tremendously *aware* of all the vivid colors I was seeing. The sky is deeper than sky blue; a few random twists of clouds contrast very brightly against it. The buildings here are a red-brown, reflecting sunlight on one side, made rich by shadow on the other. Leaves are still new, fading a little from spring-green, but not yet darkened to summer shades.…
Sooooooo hungry! I should, like, eat something. o.o Gnaaah. Was up til midnight last night, working on a synopsis. Writing synopses is *hard*. I wrote 5 pages in 2 hours. Gnaah! Ok, I need to go get some fud.