good news/bad news

The good news is I was able to sleep almost normally last night. I was able to turn over several times — yes, I had to wake up to do that, but night before I woke up and was *unable* to turn over, so that’s definitely an improvement. And this morning I was able to get out of bed relatively pain free (this is not the same as pain free, but it’s nothing like white-lipped nausea like I had yesterday), and move around if not normally, at least less painfully.…

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hee hee

hee hee Which RPG system are you? by Mr. Vimes

comfort baking

I noticed a while ago that I want to bake, when I get stressed. Yesterday, I hauled out two sticks of butter so I could make cookies or brownies, realized I was doing it, and thought, “Comfort baking!” It’s not even so much about *eating* what I bake. It’s just that I find baking to be, well, comforting. I decided what I should do is send most of what I bake to work with Ted or Shaun so that it’s not here for me to pig out on. That way…

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jesus christ

jesus christ on a pogo stick on tuesday. just got back from the chiro. he got some pretty profound (re: excrutiating) pops from my lower back/tailbone, the exciting result of which is that i’m barely able to walk. it’s not that he did something hideous; it’s that my poor back muscles are *so* exhausted they just can’t hold me up. he gave me a back support belt because I almost literally couldn’t walk without holding my back like a pregnant woman. I could fumble a step or two, and then…

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this sucks

You know, all I’ve got to talk about is the various kinds of pain I’m in. Maybe I won’t bother. :P