wow, pain. sort of slow luxurious spasms around my tailbone. lying down seems to alleviate them. anything else — walking, standing, sitting, translating from one of any of those activities to another — causes exquisite slow pain. and i am still ms. dehydration lass. chiro appt at 9. hope he can help. or at *least* maybe he’ll give me some good drugs. jeezus.
Author: mizkit
Angie says she can see the comments on NS4 now, which means all the problematic pages should now be fixed. Hah. *beam* I am Ms. Dehydration Lass today. I’ve drunk … I think this is my 8th 8oz cup of water, plus 8oz of juice and 16oz of milk today, and I’m *still* dehydrated. The skin at the corner of my left eye is red and salty and painful, which I think must be due to dehydration; I sort of wish I could lick it, because that seems like the…
Incidentally, although I’m somewhat hesitant to make any promises, the comments pages should no longer crash Netscape.
the short version
The short version: I finished the ride Saturday, 60 miles. Yesterday I had to throw in the towel 23 miles in, because my back started spasming almost as soon as I got on my bike. But I did *83* miles! Which is twice as far as any ride I’ve ever gone on, so I’m pretty darned proud of myself. There’ll be a much, much longer writeup at OYL later today or tomorrow. :)
yay me
I got the odometer on the bike, it works, and now I’m going to bed. See you all on Monday!