the short version

The short version: I finished the ride Saturday, 60 miles. Yesterday I had to throw in the towel 23 miles in, because my back started spasming almost as soon as I got on my bike. But I did *83* miles! Which is twice as far as any ride I’ve ever gone on, so I’m pretty darned proud of myself. There’ll be a much, much longer writeup at OYL later today or tomorrow. :)

yay me

I got the odometer on the bike, it works, and now I’m going to bed. See you all on Monday!


Gnrt. I am apparently not very good at house-training a puppy. I’m certainly very tired of her whining and me bringing her out six times only for her to do nothing but snuffle around, and then when I finally give up and fail to believe her, having her shit on the floor. Sarah says Chantico is the puppy who cried wolf. Heh. :} I went and got a new odometer, but the kind of jerky guy at the bike shop didn’t have time to install it for me (the fact…

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great white sloth

Plus, I was a great white sloth this morning. Ted’s stupid alarm, which I don’t know how to turn off, went off at 6:30, a time at which I was utterly unprepared to wake up. I beat on it; it went off again 9 minutes later; I beat on it some more, pushing all the buttons I could find around (I did this yesterday, too, and inadvertantly turned it up quite a lot, so today not only could I not turn it off, but it was extremely loud and unstoppable)…

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I apparently revert to bachelorhood instantaneously. Last night — I didn’t mean to do this, but I got caught up RPing on Maddock — I bailed on having a real dinner and made mac&cheese, which is exactly what Ted says I’d eat if he weren’t around to feed me. Something similar happened this morning, but I can’t remember what. Oh, I know. I had no clean glasses (this is not because of sudden bachelorhood, but is rather because of a puppy who makes a mess of the kitchen floor, making…

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