no brain, no brain, no brain at all. must balance the checkbook today. and do other things. important things. like, um. make brownies, maybe. or possibly cookies. donno yet. and pay bills. but not until i’ve balanced the checkbook. oooooh i’ve been meaning to say. you know how the moon gets all big and orange because of atmospherics in the early evening? yesterday at 5:15am when I was out walking Chantico, it was like that. not as dramatically, but still. and misty. it was very pretty. something about walking, i…
Author: mizkit
gym: 150 crunches leg press, 150lbs (1 set), 160lbs (2 sets) of 15 inner thigh crunch thing, 80lbs, 3 sets of 15 hip abducter, 90lbs, 3 sets of 15 leg extensions, 40lbs, 3 sets of 15 (just can’t handle 50 on this, bah) leg curls, 50lbs, 3 sets of 15 back extender thing, 3 sets of 15, 50 or 60lbs, i forget butt blaster, 3 sets of 10, 20lbs walked home, 1 mile or so
So far this morning I gymmed and walked home and showered and walked the dog and cleaned up the kitchen some and walked the dog again and got breakfast and I have a meeting RIGHT NOW.
back-yard monorail!
This is extremely strange: a backyard monorail.
From Angie’s page: 1:30am: Peter Wingfield really does have an enormous nose. He’s incredibly attractive, I don’t dispute that, but seeing him in profile is somewhat amusing, particularly with Adrian Paul also in profile right next to him. *howls of laughter* *howls and howls of laughter* I prefer to think of his nose as *magnificent*, not *enormous*, but then, Angie says: i thought about using ‘magnificent,’ but thought of that as a very kitlike phrase, so i didn’t. ^_^; It is turning into a very Peter Wingfieldy sort of day.…