Expressly Kit! Hee hee hee!
Author: mizkit
Well, I enjoyed the Oscars last night, mostly. I thought Halle Berry was very cute and Denzel was very stoic and I want to look as good now as Sidney Poitier does at 75. And Reese Witherspoon made Kitface (causing Trip to say, “Does that mean she should really be Reese WitherspO.On?”) when she and her husband Ryan um Phillipe? came out to give the award for best makeup. They read all their lines off the teleprompter like good little actorbots, and they got done reading the nominees and Ryan…
oh yeah!
*laugh* Oh yeah. Also, I just finished reading The Camelot Caper, which is an early book by Elizabeth Peters (who writes the Amanda Peabody books). The hero of this book, whose name is David, is Peter Wingfield: He was tall, and painfully thin, with a long narrow face. His hair was black and untidy, his eyebrows were lifted; but the rest of his features were overshadowed by a nose of such lordly proportions that she forgot all else in the wonder of it. I was delighted. :)
chocolate ice cream
My chocolate ice cream turned out the second time I put it through the freezer. I think the cannister wasn’t frozen enough the first time, and/or the mix wasn’t cold enough. It is very, very rich. My gawd. So for the last 4 days, at about 2pm, my cable modem kept going down. It was pretty clearly because the ground was thawing and at that time of the day it got warm enough to screw the modem up. About 7pm when it froze up again it’d come back up. So…
gym & stuff
I got up a bit later than usual this morning, ’cause Ted didn’t have to go to work today because his parents are in town and he’s being a good son, but I /did/ go to the gym, and did a lower body workout which I suspect will cause me, mid-afternoon, to suddenly be unable to walk anymore. :) Then I came home and realized I was late for a meeting. Oops. But I met, and Ted BROUGHT ME BREAKFAST, isn’t he a NICE husband? And I read Neil Gaiman’s…