Baby steps! Okay, this will be as much update as I have time for, which is I don’t know how much. :) So I left off with us panicking about clothing. And hair. We’d bought this brush-in color goo stuff, which they claim you could style your hair and then brush in, which is like saying you can style your hair and /then/ gel it. Didn’t work the way it said it would. But I liked my hair okay anyway, and Sarah kept saying hers looked like she’d fingerpainted it,…
Author: mizkit
Gosh, the cable modem went down for an hour this morning, so I … … wrapped Christmas presents and made bread. Er. :) Sadly, these are *late* presents, not early ones. :)
Great. Apparently I caused a great big muddle at work. In an attempt to make an older site uniform with the newer ones, I created a new directory and moved some files around. I didn’t, however, do this through the Mysteries of CVS, and as a result there are emails flying and hands waving and people going, “Urk!” and discovering that if they fix it, they’ll wipe out all the Q1 release work I’ve done, and — Bugger. :/ I didn’t _mean_ to goof everything up! In other news, I…
*snork* Which Buff Girl Are You? Find out @ She’s Crafty
baby steps!
Baby steps! Okay, so. Like, some attempt at writing the weekend up. First, let me say, MY FRIENDS ARE NUTS. I mean that in the *best* possible way. *laugh* I must once more thank them for FLYING ME DOWN TO CALIFORNIA ON A WHIM (actually on a plane), which caused another of my friends to say today, “Do you fly down to California _every_ time James plays at 14 Below?” Well, thus far, since I left Alaska, I _have_ in fact flown down to CA every time James has played…