I did something painful to my jaw yesterday evening. I think it’s less painful now, at least slightly, but yawning hurts, and I keep yawning. Actually, for somebody who was up til 1am I’m not all that yawny. She said, and yawned. *yawn* OW. Goddamn it. What kind of doctor does one go to for a jaw problem? It’s in the hinge that it hurts. This is going to make swimming a bother. My friend Melissa called me last night! We’re going to have a late lunch next Sunday. The…
Author: mizkit
Popcorn and orange juice. Better. Yum. Of course, now I have popcorn kernel skins stuck in my teeth.
Tired. Hungry. Too much work to do. *mutter* Boy, does taking a nap sound appealing. Not a good idea, but an appealing one. Splah. Maybe I’ll go try to find a little something to eat. And I should drink some water. A lot of water, actually; I haven’t been drinking enough today.
flit’s fault
It is Flit’s fault that I’ve just spent an hour fussing with my reading page. This is only fair, since apparently it’s my fault that Flit has begun a reading page of her own. :)
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! AAAAAAAAAAAH AAAAAAAAAAH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! So a few days ago I emailed Tony and Mary (ok, actually I emailed Mary, because I don’t think Tony actually does email, but nevermind that) to say that I was going to be in LA on the 9th with some friends, and would they like to join us for lunch, and also that Sarah and I had been working on this tv series script when Ted and I met Tony and Mary at The Yale and that Ted had said, afterwards, that we Must Write…