Recent Reads: The Continuing Time

A few years ago Daniel Keys Moran published the fourth book of the Continuing Time, after a nearly 20 year hiatus. I went and bought an e-reader so I could read THE BIG BOOST, and bought the other three books in e-copy so I could read them all one after another. I enjoyed the experience quite a lot, honestly, which was lovely. Anyway, in early September, during my media blackout month, I wanted something to read, and one of the things about me when I’m writing is that I can’t…

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writing, fudge, conventions

It has now been 24 hours since I submitted my epic fantasy proposal to my agent and nobody has bought it yet. I’m very disappointed. :) Last week I brought fudge to the arts & business centre where my son’s preschool is. *This* week I’ve had people who have never spoken to me before kind of falling over at me and saying “OMG that fudge!” and often “Do you sell this?!” :) A writer whom I would very much like to meet, and who does not go to conventions, just…

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end media blackout

At least, a theoretical end to the media blackout. I should probably carry on with it to a fair degree, because it was pretty successful. I think I got around 40K written in September, maybe as much as 50, including all the synopsizing and stuff I did for the epic proposal. It made a dent, anyway, in my to-do list, and I’m considerably less freaked out than I was at the beginning of September. The epic proposal isn’t quite done, although that had been my hope. The bulk of the…

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all in a day’s work

So bright and early this morning I went downtown to run some errands, figuring the shops I needed probably wouldn’t be open until 10 but thinking I’d go to the library to work until they opened. Turned out the library didn’t open until 10 either. @.@ Anyway, I rented a spot at a cafe and got working and after a while thought well, I don’t have to pick Young Indy up until noon, I’ll just work until 11 and then do errands. Moments later my phone rang and the guys…

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time travel

The way I think about time travel scenarios you’d think I was likely to be caught up in one AT ANY MOMENT. My current mental scenario obsession: I awaken on Jan 1 of the year I turn 13, with as much knowledge about the future as I can, y’know, remember. What do I do? (Answer: the 1st fucking thing I do is find a way to stop the Challenger launch. Call in a bomb threat to NASA, I don’t know, but *something*. 2nd thing I do: start acquiring fake IDs.…

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