
For Mother’s Day (it’s Mother’s Day today on this side of the pond) I got to take a mini writing retreat to Galway, where my sister’s musical was also premiering. I hopped on the train at 11am on Saturday morning and by 6pm had 8K written and was in such a zone that if I hadn’t had evening arrangements I’d have probably stayed right where I was and written until I collapsed. However, I did have plans, so I went out to dinner and then to the show, after a…

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Elfquest: The Final Quest, Issues 1-2

So the first couple issues proper of the new EQ story are out. When the first one came out, there was some blogger/reviewer type who had never read EQ before who said “confusing, too many characters, no emotional connection,” or words to that effect. In the comments and on FB and places, people shrieked, “How dare somebody come into a 30 year saga on the latest iteration and say it’s no good! They don’t UNDERSTAND!” and words to that effect. The thing is, the blogger was right. I mean, I’ve…

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Picoreview: Winter Soldier

Picoreview: Captain America: Winter Soldier: I’m not going to go into any detail because this doesn’t open in America until next week, but I was pretty happy with it. There were plenty of outright funny/clever moments, more violence than I expected (I know, it’s about a soldier, but it’s the whole PG-13 drift toward greater violence. I guess I still don’t expect it.), there was at least one good heartbreak moment, and I want my Falcon movie like five minutes ago. What I will say is dear god, Chris Evans’s…

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Due to the entirely realistic fear that if I didn’t do something with the roses and raspberries I bought RIGHT AWAY, they would rot on the kitchen counter, Young Indiana and I went out to Deal With The Garden yesterday. Before: Armed with a rake, a gardening fork and a spade, I murdered many, many bulbous plants that were clearly due to turn into beautiful flowers of some sort soon, terrified some snails, cut at least one fat earthworm in half (I am SO SORRY, LIL GUY), dealt with the…

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being watched :)

Yesterday I was trying to get the compost bin back in the garden, and was having a bit of a hard time getting it going. Finally, exasperated, I made a cross-eyed sticky-outty-tongue face and rolled my entire head as I bodily lifted it and changed its direction so I could get it to move. Then I looked up and a guy across the street, waiting at the red light in his car, had been watching and was now laughing and laughing and laughing. So that was okay. :) (I admit…

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