The Soul Mirror by Carol Berg


Carol Berg doesn’t write bad books, but the Collegia Magica is in the running for my favorite of her series. (I’d have to re-read BREATH & BONE to decide for sure.) There was a bit in this one that made me laugh out loud, when our unassuming heroine’s activities are related as viewed by an outside opinion. Not so unassuming after all, perhaps. A thing I expected came to pass within these pages, which was good (I really wanted it to happen), but considerably more I didn’t also happened, which…

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Snowy Owl at Dublin Zoo

Kitsnaps: Snowy Owl

People might get the impression I like birds. I really have no particular fondness or interest in them that I’m aware of, except I really like taking pictures of them. No idea why, honestly. This is a good picture in color (I’ll post it if people want to see it), but I think it’s fantastic in black and white. It’s the eyes, so clear and sharp. The patterns in the feathers are also much more distinct in black and white, and the sunlight hitting its breast and casting its head…

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the essential kit

online monikers

My friend asks, “How did you come up with your LJ name?” which seemed like a good question/meme thing to participate in, so I thought I’d answer! Kit was a character I played on an X-Men MUSH about twenty years ago. She was a comic-book me, though I always imagined her physically a bit more like Linda Hamilton. She was a photographer with a kid, and I’ve always sort of regarded her as having a life of her own: she’s one of the other paths I could have taken. (Curiously,…

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the essential kit

On da business

Novelist Kameron Hurley talks about some of the hurdles of the publishing industry. Tansy Ranyer Roberts responds thoughtfully to Kameron’s post. Sarah Rees Brennan & Holly Black talk about characters of color in their YA novels. You can check out my own post on the topic, too. Laura Anne Gilman L.A. Kornetsky announces two more books in her Gin & Tonic mystery series! Yay! :) I dropped by Chapters Bookstore yesterday to pick up the two Carol Berg books I didn’t own, and I don’t have, and said to yer…

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Kitsnaps: Westminster in Snow

From our trip to London last month! We about froze to death on the bus tour (because we were FOOLS and rode on the TOP) but it was well worth it. Our guide, Barry, was so brilliant we were totally unwilling to hop off anywhere for fear of missing the rest of his lecture, and London in the snow was quite beautiful. This is one of my favorite pictures I took, looking back at Westminster. After we got off the bus we were all so numb from cold that we…

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