1. The hip holster bag comes in red leather now. Because that’s MUCH MORE PRACTICAL than brown or black or grey! *dies* 2. THE PROOF JUST GOT HERE! *collapses of relief* …it looks pretty damned cool, too. There are a couple of tweaks that need doing, but it looks very good. Hooray! 3. In a less yay sort of OMG, I did figure out what was wrong with my nephew’s book, and it’s that I’m writing the wrong book. I mean, really truly the wrong book: the book with this…
Author: mizkit
The proof copy of NO DOMINION has not yet arrived. It shipped on the 12th and priority mail is supposed to take 1-3 days. Unfortunately, priority mail has no tracking, so there’s squat all I can do except stress, and stressed I am. :(
Elfquest: The Final Quest
Page Seven. “You talk! But what are you saying?” * Page One Page Two Page Three Page Four Page Five Page Six
all the social activity!
In the past month I’ve had, and I’m really only barely exaggerating, as much social activity as I normally encounter in a year. First was DICE, the comic-con, then a weekend off, then Octocon, then this weekend our friends Alan and Colette were over for our other friends Brian and Shevy’s wedding. A&C came by and, er, well, helped me clean house on Frida, for which they were duly rewarded with gumbo and brownies, and for which I am eternally grateful. We can actually use our dining room table now.…
The Mystery of the Missing Cinnamon Roll
I made cinnamon rolls a couple days ago. Yesterday morning, Young Indiana nabbed one and ran off with it. I said, “Bring that back!” but did not see him do so, and spent quite a long time looking for the missing cinnamon roll. Eventually I began to wonder if Ted had in fact taken 3 cinnamon rolls to work for breakfast, and if Young Indiana had indeed put the missing cinnamon roll back. When I finally got ahold of Ted, it transpired that this was exactly what had happened. To…