My sister’s got this weird thing going on with her grant applications where for some reason the application won’t put the date in European style. The last two times, she was working on the applications at my house, and I went to the computer, peered at it, and the dates were all correct. This time she sent me a chat saying “You know that magic thing you do to make the dates turn out right on an application? Would you like to come over here and do that?” I said,…
Author: mizkit
No doubt plenty of you have been watching Amanda Palmer’s mind-blowing Kickstarter rocket all over the place the past few days. …ology has a good article about it, which is summarized by focusing on AFP’s understanding that the music, making the music, sharing the music, is about connecting with the listeners/fans, and that it pretty much always has been. I admit with no particular pride that for about the first day and a half of AFP’s Kickstarter I was consumed with envy. There is a part of me which, offended,…
too! many! projects!
I have too many pending projects. I can’t figure out what to work on. Woe! WOE! Perhaps I’ll list them and throw a dart. :) – Billy Holliday short story – Suzanne Quinley short story – Bryant’s short story – other Walker Papers short story – Daisani AFTERMATH story – another AFTERMATH story – HEAVEN CAN WAIT proposal – LEGION chapter – retold Alaskan origin story …ok, the (or a) problem here is I’m nominally finishing all of that this month. Even if I drop HEAVEN CAN WAIT out of…
not actually possible
It is not actually possible to do all the projects I want to do. Certainly not all at once, even if my enthusiasm for them flares and makes me go want to do it RIGHT NOW. Of course, the impulse right now is to take the lemon curd I’m making and make lemon bar cheesecakes! and lemon cheesecake squares! and lemon gingersnap meringues! All of which I could probably do, in fact. And then I’d eat them all and be … I can’t even make a fat-face emoticon. :)
some things make a post
The e-book pricing conversation showed a fair amount of support for “mass market paperback price minus 10-20%”, which is pretty interesting. Thank you all for the contributions–coming from a position where I’m looking at doing a bit of self-publishing, it’s really terrific to get that feedback from, well, potential customers, to be blunt about it. :) In other news, I’m teaching a writing course (with an emphasis on fantasy fiction, of course, but equally of course I think any writing course can be generally applied if anything sensible is said…