The astute among you may notice that Worldcon is over but I’m only just posting Day Three. This is due to a combination of things, firstly that in a fit of idiocy (fun, but idiocy) I was out until 3am Friday night/Saturday morning and was not prepared to write a blog post at that time, and secondly and far more annoyingly, that I wrote this whole damn post up last night, telling myself all the while that I needed to C&P it because it wasn’t going to post properly, and…
Author: mizkit
Worldcon: Day 2
THIS WAS A VERY BUSY DAY AND IT’S NOT EVEN MY BUSY DAY I managed to go to TWO panels today, which is two more than I usually manage in my entire convention weekend, so I’m very proud of myself. :) I went to the guest of honor interview with Nalo Hopkinson, which was tremendously entertaining, and then later went to a panel on writing aout climate change, upon which an Internet Friend was presenting. After that I got to talk to her for a bit, which was lovely, and…
Worldcon 75: Day One
I am in Helsinki for Worldcon! If I was a more organized person I’d have posted about this earlier, but, well, I’m not, so. I’m in Helsinki for Worldcon! I will be publically available for chatting at the following times: 1. The Dublin 2019 parties on Thursday & Saturday nights 2. From 2-3:30ish on Friday afternoon–informal kaffeesklatch type thing, the Dublin 2019 table will know where I am if you don’t see me in the seating area around there 3. The Hugos on Friday night 4. Any other time you…
annual reminder that i don’t do GISHWHES so please don’t ask
Yes, I know, I’m the person in Ireland many of you know, so it ticks that item off the list if you can get me to do it. Yes, I know, you’re having a wonderful silly time participating and want other people to join in and have fun too. Yes, I know, it’s just this one thing. Yes, I know, it’s for a good cause. The answer is still no. I am *glad* you’re all having fun with it. It looks like fun! It sounds like fun! I enjoy reading…
one more garden cat!
This afternoon Duchess, the mama cat, was meowling around the trap, either looking for her kittens or food. I wasn’t about to give her the kittens, but on the off chance she might go in and eat, I put food in the trap and set it. Half an hour later there was a VERY UPSET Duchess in the trap. I texted the rescue people and they called and said bring her down to the rescue centre, there’s someone there, so we transferred her to the cat carrier (which was easy…