A few weeks ago my friend Leah said her husband wasn’t much interested in seeing Wonder Woman, so she wasn’t likely to see it in the theatre, and Ted said “THIS WILL NOT DO” and checked to see how much plane tickets to Liverpool were and they were practically nothing so he sent me to Liverpool for a lark with Leah, and we went to Wonder Woman together! Knowing I had to get up wery wery early for my flight, I took a shower the night before and ended up…
Author: mizkit
Recent Reads: The Expanse
We watched The Expanse late last year, & liked it a lot, so I got Ted LEVIATHAN WAKES, the first book in the series the tv show is adapted from, for Christmas. He read it & liked it & said I had to read it, so I did a couple days ago. It was very good. It also happens to be one of the best adaptations from book to screen I’ve ever encountered, which is unusual and appealing. Anyway, having finished it I immediately started the second book, CALIBAN’S WAR,…
a very merry unbirthday
My older nephew, wishing to space his birthday out from Christmas somewhat, requested a half-birthday, so the family got together today for a kind of combined Father’s Day/unbirthday party. Between the hours of 8am & 2pm, I baked a rather complicated cake, made its complicated frosting, made vanilla ice cream, cleaned the kitchen 2 times, did 4 loads of laundry, emptied all the rubbishes, cleaned the kitty litter, made lemonade, and just barely managed not to die of the outrageous 80 degree heat. Ted went out to do errands, and…
a-journaling we go
I’m participating in displacement activities, pretending that organizing a bunch of stuff will get my work done. Obviously I know that’s not how it works, but hey, I’m doing it anyway. I asked for this perfectly gorgeous blank book for my birthday (and obviously recieved it): but had no actual specific use for it in mind. I’ve been prodding at habit trackers but basically don’t like any of the digital ones, so I thought what the hell, maybe I’d go old-school analog and try a paper one. I’m hoping it’ll…
imagining myself as less ambitious
Friday morning I had the thought, as I occasionally do, that it’s just not possible to get all the things I want to get written, written, especially in the time frame I wanted to, and that I really just needed to be less ambitious. 48 hours later and I’m still like, “yes, this is a good plan, a reasonable plan.” It won’t last, it never does, but for the window here where I’m going “really it’d be okay to not put so much stress on myself” and believing it, it’s…