June 1, 2017: United States Climate Alliance formed with 3 charter members. Within hours, 7 more signed on with 11 more expressing interest. Sept 2017: The USCA, backed by 37 member states, Puerto Rico, & Washington DC, is seen as the framework for pursuing the future liberals want. Dec 2017: All but 4 states (Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama, & Alaska) have joined the USCA. The member states demand a constitutional convention. March 2018: Denied a convention by an increasingly authoritarian federal government, the USCA member states unanimously secede. Alaska, Oklahoma and…
Author: mizkit
Birthday & Wonder Woman
So yesterday was my birthday and it is also the birthday of my many many birthday twins, but I wasn’t online much and so I failed to say happy birthday to Esmerel and Silkblade and Chaz’s niece and also Morgan Freeman and Marilyn Monroe and Superman (the first Superman comic was published June 1 1938 :)). Happy birthday, twins, and thank you to everybody who wished me a happy day! Ted and Indy snuck off and got a couple pieces of art that have been sitting around for a long…
a brief panicked spate of gardening
IT’S STILL MAY I CAN STILL PLANT STUFF I’m afraid I’m probably the kind of gardener who is only going to garden if it’s stuff one sows directly. Or, at least at this early stage in my gardening career, that certainly appears to be true. Which is fine, really. The fact that I got potatoes into the ground a month ago is a great triumph! In fact, it looks like we have 28 potato plants, and I think we planted 32 or 36, so that’s quite good. Better than I…
collecting bookstore addresses
My wonderful readers! Could you Do A Thing for me? Could you look up your local bookstore(s) address(es) and email them to mizkitink AT gmail.com? I’m trying to collect a database so I can send out postcards for new books, and it struck me that the best way to find bookstores (Barnes & Noble and other chain stores count!) is to ask people if they could take a minute to do that. A bunch of people on my mailing list have, and I’ve gotten over a hundred addresses already, but…
blogging: a once a week occurrance
apparently, anyway :) I don’t know what I’m doing instead of blogging, since I’m on the computer all the damn time. (That’s not true. I know what I’m doing instead of blogging: watching the fall of the American nation in real time.) We had a college friend visit in early May. We had a wonderful time with her. We saw a steam train in Dublin, and went to the zoo (where, as we were lecturing/answering Indy on some topic, switching back and forth with providing information, and ending by saying…