I’ll start out with the links, in case that’s all you’re here for. :) ROSES IN AMBER, available now at: iTunes || Kindle || Kobo || Nook || Amazon (paperback) || & at bookstores near you! Order with title or ISBN (978-1613171363) Beauty and the Beast is my favourite fairy tale. Always has been, perhaps since I read “The Wounded Lion” in the gorgeously illustrated ENCHANTED TALES (Rand McNally, 1978) as a small child. I read Robin McKinley’s Beauty until the cover fell off, and Rose Daughter years later. Between…
Author: mizkit
Sugar Wars: Day 8
Got on the scale this morning. It told me I was down 3.4 pounds. That’s not to be expected as a typical drop, but neither is it alarming in the first week of a major eating overhaul, especially when combined with a concerted effort to get my 10K steps in daily. Pretty sure my caloric intake has dropped by up to half, four out of seven days. That’s…rather a lot more than I expected. I figured, like, a quarter, perhaps, but no. I’m really pretty sure I’m looking at 30-50%.…
Roses in Amber is ALMOST HERE!!!
guys GUYS GUYS!!!!! LOOK WHAT ARRIVED I STARTED WRITING THIS BOOK ON JANUARY 1, GUYS LOOK AT IT LOOK AT IT EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tomorrow is Official Launch Day. I don’t know if print editions will automagically show up on B&N/Amazon IMMEDIATELY or not or it’ll take some time to work through the system, but e-book editions for Kindle, iTunes, Kobo and Nook either are or will be available as of Valentine’s Day, 6 weeks after I started writing it! I have to say this is one *seriously* cool aspect of the…
Sugar Wars: Day 7
We have survived a week of this nonsense. My calorie consumption is down a ridiculous amount. I’d know exactly how much if I’d been keeping track before, but I roughed it out and it’s a lot. And I’m hungry, but I’ve recently learned to drink a couple of tisanes and the hot liquid makes some difference in the hunger, as does just having learned to tolerate being hungry better over the past year. Having counted calories for a whole week is at least as much a triumph as staying off…
Sugar Wars: Day 6
Today was a Day Out, with all that entails, which mostly means it’s goddamn near impossible to count calories. We went out for lunch AND dinner, and I’m pretty sure the number of calories ingested is All Of Them, which, sadly, my calorie tracker does not have an option for. I made a weak stab at counting them by wild generalization, but I’m pretty sure that even 15 falafels does not cover the caloric intake of this evening. (I didn’t eat 15 falafels. I ate one. And one of a…