I have, through no particular effort of my own, lost somewhere between 20-25 pounds in the past year. Mostly it’s just that I’ve been eating less. Not well, certainly, just less. Not exercising more, either. Just eating less. Basically for the first time in my life I’ve been stress not-eating instead of stress eating. Anyway, so I’ve lost a fair amount of weight, and my bras have not been fitting well at all. So a week or two ago I bought new bras, and people suddenly started saying, “Wow, you’ve…
Author: mizkit
Attack Kickstarter: Atlantis Fallen print edition!
I’d told everybody I didn’t want to run a Kickstarter for the ATLANTIS FALLEN print edition until I at *least* had REDEEMER off to the editor, to whom it went a couple of weeks ago. Then it turned out that both my cover artist and book designer were free to turn a project around quickly, so I have launched a SUDDEN ATTACK KICKSTARTER!!! It’s a super low-key Kickstarter by my standards: it’s got one simple goal, which is financing the ATLANTIS FALLEN print edition. Why Kickstarter? Because I’ve found out…
Deirdre’s 40th, Mark Twain
Yesterday was actually Deirdre’s birthday, so we had a party for her. I’d just arrived in Dublin when Ted got a call saying our wretched escape artist dog was loose, which seemed goddamned impossible because he’d been IN THE HOUSE but no, no, he was loose, he’d figured out how to open the back door ane made his escape, so I had to come tearing back from Dublin to get him and bring him home and lock him in more thoroughly and then go rushing back in to Dublin. I…
Launch Day: RAVEN HEART!
I’m completely delighted to announce that my so-fun-to-write little billionaire shapeshifter novella RAVEN HEART launches into the big brave world today! RAVEN HEART on Amazon! RAVEN HEART on Barnes & Noble (Nook)! RAVEN HEART on iTunes! RAVEN HEART on Kobo! A curvy woman determined to protect her town, a raven shifter protector with secrets to keep, and a beast out for his own profit add up to an action-packed romance! Curvy political activist Elena Peratrovitch has only one passion: keeping her small Alaskan town of Shkalnik free of business developments…
Deirdre’s 40th
My sister had her birthday party planned for last night, and after a bit of angsting decided to go ahead with it despite the circumstances. I think that was absolutely the right choice, and it was a busy, loving gathering… …even if Deirdre did show up two hours later for her own party. It was worth it, actually, because it was a costume party, themed Cyborgs, Angels, Fairies and Superheroes, and she came as a cyborg (we’re half cyborg now, you know, since Dad had his brain surgery. that’s how…