bit of a laundry list

Erm. Um. V. small brain right now, for no real reason. *stares around* *laugh* Neither Ted nor Shaun noticed my new hair until they saw the picture on the website. Well, Ted sort of did, but he only had about 3 hours of sleep, and when he came home from a like 10 hour day at work he stood there and froooowwwned at my head in great uncertainty, and opted not to say anything. Shaun just plain didn’t notice. *laugh*

Got up early enough this morgle to get a couple more chapters edited, yay me. I think when I reprint this thing I’m going to start my last set of edits with the second half of the book, ’cause my brain is usually gooey by the time I get that far.

We went and deposited my advance check yesterday. The teller had to go get her supervisor’s approval. (Ted, who was very tired, was somewhat annoyed by this: “It’s from Chase Bank, for God’s sake. In New York. What, hasn’t she heard of it?” I, on the other hand, thought it was kind of cool. :)) And then we went and bought me a new graphics card and City of Heroes. *laugh* Dooooom! :)

Um um um. I need to email the business card guy about the cards and see what’s up with them. Perhaps I need a to do list for the day.

thinks to do:

1. make bread
2. clean kitty litter
3. laundry
4. vacuum upstairs
5. finish editing 23-25
6. walk the dorgy
7. maybe go for a bike ride
8. maybe make cookies

miles to Rivendell: 427
ytd miles biked: 69.5

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