It is *surprisingly* nerve-wracking to launch a Kickstarter, even if you’ve run half a dozen or more crowdfund projects. But we’re doin’ it, ladies and gentlemen! First! Let me invite you to read the Redeemer Proposal Chapters and submerge yourself into the world of the Redeemer! Then when you’ve just gotten invested and find that the proposal comes to an end, dash over to the REDEEMER Kickstarter and help make it happen as a project! Go little Kickstarter go! (I will now gnaw my knuckles for the next 30 days.…

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Kickstarter Ahoy: The Redeemer Chronicles!

Guys, I TOTALLY CHANGED MY MIND, okay? I kept trying to work out the reward levels for the Old Races project and just couldn’t. It just wouldn’t work without knowing how long the main event, KISS OF ANGELS, was going to be, and I couldn’t bring myself to write it right now, so I wibbled and wobbled and flopped around and went through all of my “I wish I could do this” projects and finally landed on REDEEMER, which is what happens when I mash up Buffy the Vampire Slayer…

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too busy to post

I’m at that stage again where I’ve got a backlog of posts I want to write and am apparently never going to get to them so I should let it go (let it go, can’t hold me back anymore / which reminds me that yesterday Young Indiana pulled all my hair over one shoulder so I would be “like Elsa” and so this morning I said to him “should I braid my hair like Elsa’s?” and he said yes and I did and he said “That’s not like Elsa. Elsa’s…

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New Senyaza Kickstarter!

guys guys GUYS guys guys I have been terribly remiss in shouting about Chrysoula Tzavelas’s Senyaza Kickstarter. This is for her third book in the MATCHBOX GIRLS series, and I’m in the middle of reading it right now and it is so. good. Like, early on (because it’s set in Seattle, mostly, sort of, and bcaus I’v got crossovers on my mind) I was reading and I tweeted to Soula that we should really do a Walker Papers/Senyaza crossover good. Then a couple hours later I was like “or maybe…

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Kickstarter comes to Ireland

First, before I start nattering about my own nebulous projects, lemme point you at three (3!) excellent Kickstarters that are currently running: 1. Lawrence Watt-Evans offers up delicious steampunky pulp! with illustrations! in TOM DERRINGER AND THE ALUMINUM AIRSHIP! 2. Ellen Million is running a second fantasy coloring books for so-called grown-ups, with a wide variety of artists pitching in books this time! 3. Patricia Bray & Joshua Palmatier have launched TEMPORALLY OUT OF ORDER, an anthology I really wish I could participate in but was obliged to face reality…

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