do men really think like this?

I feel that that’s a provocative subject line, but it’s the root question being posed here, so… I’m reading a book. It’s a decent book. Written by a guy, four or so main characters, one of whom is a woman, and she’s beautiful, which is fine. Viewpoint Bad Guy Character creeps on her, which is creepy but okay fine he’s the bad guy. He creeps on all the other (attractive) women he encounters too. It’s gross but certainly recognizeable. Hero Viewpoint Character does not creep on her, which is good!…

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Take a Chance cover

Take A Chance graphic novel!

I’ve just gotten the counter-signed contract, so I can make a Big Announcement! I’ve been in (slow, because of me, not them) talks with Markosia Enterprises, a comics-and-graphic-novels publisher in the UK, and I am SO EXCITED to tell you that my comic book series, “Take A Chance”, is FINALLY going to be available as a graphic novel!!! I don’t have a release date for it yet, or a pre-order page, but it should be available late this year or early next, and HOO BOY am I gonna come begging…

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So here’s the deal.

I haven’t been blogging much because life has been exceptionally chaotic lately, and not in a good way. (Dad and his bionic brain are doing fine, in case you leap to worrying about that.) Among very many other things, we were informed about six weeks ago that the company my husband works for has lost its contract and the entire site was being made redundant, so Ted’s out of a job as of the end of next week. We’ve spent a lot of time trying to figure out what we’re…

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Writing Wednesday: Price Points

I’ve released two books back to back so far this year, MAGIC & MANNERS in March, followed by ATLANTIS FALLEN in April. As an experiment, I priced ATLANTIS FALLEN $2 cheaper than M&M, to see if the number of sales at the lower price point made up for or (hopefully) outstripped the profit I make off the higher purchase price of MAGIC & MANNERS. It did. Just barely. It took about 28 of its first 30 days to catch up to MAGIC & MANNERS’ first month, and in the last…

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Launch Day: Atlantis Fallen

Today is Launch Day for ATLANTIS FALLEN, first of the Heartstrike Chronicles! This is a book of my heart, with a long and sordid history; it’s undergone major revisions, and I still basically love it and hope you all will too. :) Without further ado: ATLANTIS FALLEN for Kindle! ATLANTIS FALLEN for Kobo! ATLANTIS FALLEN for iBooks! ATLANTIS FALLEN for Nook! ATLANTIS FALLEN can also be found on Scribd and Inktera if you don’t buy from the above links. It might be available other places, too, I don’t know. :)…

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