– write 2k on REDEEMER : 2100 words – revise (or proof) 50 pages on one of 3 different projects 130 pages : proofed – clean a room (thanksgiving is coming) : total failure on this today So I’m doing page proofs on MAGIC & MANNERS, which is a very, very clean manuscript. I keep thinking I must be missing stuff, but I’m not. There’s just not much to catch. The copy editor, Richard Shealy at SFF Copy Editing, is terrific (and for hire :)). So that’s a great thing.…
Category: CEMurphy
dear god, it’s november
This year has just…gone. Poof. Fweh. Zoom. I honestly don’t feel like I’ve ever fully recovered from moving. Possibly because the last dozen or whatever boxes still aren’t dealt with. I just need another bookshelf, at this point, and I don’t have one. #sigh Anyway. I have so many things to do. My daily Thinks To Do List looks like this, every day all month: – write 2k on REDEEMER (ie, nanowrimo) – revise (or proof) 50 pages on one of 3 different projects 50 pages : proofed – clean…
home from Octocon
We are home from a lovely weekend at Octocon, where we saw many friends and had good conversations. I brought about eight pounds of fudge to the con, and passed it out to the attendees of the Golden Blasters film festival on Friday night. Probably the best two bits of that were saying to people, “If you’re allergic to anything except gluten you can’t eat this, but it’s gluten-free,” and having one woman LIGHT UP when she was told it was gluten-free and safe for her to eat. (Eggs, dairy,…
Throwback Thursday: Well-Loved Books
A hash tag popped up on Twitter yesterday, #WellLovedBooks, and I immediately went and took pictures of several of mine. I thought they’d make a kind of nice different Throwback Thursday post idea, too, so I present to you a handful of my well-loved books. :) My 8th birthday prsent: ANNE OF GREEN GABLES, which I read to pieces.
Writing Wednesday: Putting Handles on the Cups
There’s a Writing Rule that says “Write every day, no matter what.” You hear people tout this rule, just like every other Writing Rule, and since I’m dragging myself back into the swing of things after what amounts to a five month hiatus, I thought I’d address it. Obviously it’s terrible advice. I mean, yes, if you can write every day, that’s awesome. That’s great! Go for it! Have fun! Write every day! God knows I do when I can. But the idea that you must is as crippling as…