200 backers & climbing!

The REDEEMER Kickstarter has reached 200 backers and is still climbing! In fact, it’s at 205, actually, and just a whisker under €6k! It’s got 10 days left (or will by the time most people read this), and I have a dream of reaching 300 backers. It picked up about 25 last Friday alone, so it’s not impossible! But it’s tricky, because reaching new people– Okay, before I go on, I want to say that what follows is not accusation or frustration or anger or anything. It’s just one of…

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Developing the Redeemer Chronicles

Ted said I oughta do a post about how REDEEMER isn’t Buffy, and I thought that sounded like a cool idea. Also it’s a chance to show you something that happens when you’re trying to promote a project like this, in terms of story development. :) Admittedly, although the first bedeviled creature Rosie meets in the REDEEMER proposal chapters is a vampire, my idea for these books is really *not* to get stuck in a Vampire Of The Week story but to get caught up with a wide variety of…

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REDEEMER: Halfway there!

Actually, more than halfway there in terms of funding, but today marks 2 weeks into the campaign, with 2 weeks left to go!  In honor of this, I’ve declared it Ask Me A Question day over on Facebook. Because it’s so hard to ask me questions any other time. :)   Still, it’s a fun thing to do (I hope O.O) and an ideal time to quiz a writer. :) So read the chapters, visit the campaign site, ask me questions, and tell your friends to do the same. :)…

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Redeemer milestone!

EEEE Redeemer has hit 100 €10 backers! EEEE that’s so cool! Did you see the new reward levels? Hardbacks! Fudge! Random signed CE Murphy books! :) Check out the Redeemer Chronicles Kickstarter! (Actually, check out the sample chapters, too! :)) (Actually, it’s heading for another milestone of 150 backers, which is really cool, too. I have such great readers. ♥!) In the meantime, I’m watching a bunch of rocket scientists prepare to land a spacecraft on a comet, because I live in the future and I can *do* that. Wow.…

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Recommended Reads: Hunter, Tzavelas, Sperring

The other day on Twitter someone said she’d just finished all the Walker Papers, and now what was she going to read! So I made some suggestions, and not only she but several other people were delighted. So I thought maybe I’d try to make Recommended Reads a regular blog feature (in so far as anything is a regular blog features these days @.@), separate from the Recent Reads I generally try to do. I figure the point of this isn’t just to list names—I could do that for weeks—but…

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