Ladies and gentlemen, the REDEEMER campaign has just crossed the €8K threshold, which means the Redeemer Chronicles are a go and I am under contract–*to you*! Oh my gawd. Holy crap. Holy BEANS. This is–I mean, NO DOMINION was very exciting, of course, but this is a whole different ball game! This is a NEW STORY I get to tell RIGHT FROM SCRATCH, and it’s a thing that’s happening because we now live in a world where readers can directly make books happen. That is so amazing. YOU GUYS are…
Category: CEMurphy
I just remembered something embarrassing. *laughs* My first Usenet/email name/handle/display name was “Storyteller”. I mean, I was 17, okay? So I can forgive me for being a little dorktastic, but in retrospect it makes me laugh because it’s so…17 and pretentious. Or dreamy-eyed or whatever you want to call it, but as dorky as it was, it was also how I perceived myself, either as I was or as I wanted to be. I wanted to tell stories to people. I’ve always wanted to tell stories to people: my earliest…
200 backers & climbing!
The REDEEMER Kickstarter has reached 200 backers and is still climbing! In fact, it’s at 205, actually, and just a whisker under €6k! It’s got 10 days left (or will by the time most people read this), and I have a dream of reaching 300 backers. It picked up about 25 last Friday alone, so it’s not impossible! But it’s tricky, because reaching new people– Okay, before I go on, I want to say that what follows is not accusation or frustration or anger or anything. It’s just one of…
Developing the Redeemer Chronicles
Ted said I oughta do a post about how REDEEMER isn’t Buffy, and I thought that sounded like a cool idea. Also it’s a chance to show you something that happens when you’re trying to promote a project like this, in terms of story development. :) Admittedly, although the first bedeviled creature Rosie meets in the REDEEMER proposal chapters is a vampire, my idea for these books is really *not* to get stuck in a Vampire Of The Week story but to get caught up with a wide variety of…
REDEEMER: Halfway there!
Actually, more than halfway there in terms of funding, but today marks 2 weeks into the campaign, with 2 weeks left to go! In honor of this, I’ve declared it Ask Me A Question day over on Facebook. Because it’s so hard to ask me questions any other time. :) Still, it’s a fun thing to do (I hope O.O) and an ideal time to quiz a writer. :) So read the chapters, visit the campaign site, ask me questions, and tell your friends to do the same. :)…