Loncon! Eurocon!

Ladies & gentlemen! Ted and I will be attending Loncon over the week/end of August 14-18! I’m on four panels (Thursday at 6pm, Saturday at 3pm and 7pm, Sunday at 1:30pm) and have, um. Brunch scheduled on Saturday. Other than that I am thus far free, and people who want to catch up with me should post or email or something so we can get times arranged, because there are going to be like 6000 people and odds of randomly encountering anyone in a meaningful fashion are slim. I may…

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improbable goals

It’s not actually a new month quite yet, but it’s Monday and tomorrow starts a new month so I’m calling it close enough. I have a bunch of improbable goals this month. I have to get farther ahead on MAGIC & MANNERS, which is now approaching 40,000 words, actually, which is great. I’ve been obliged to actually buy a copy of P&P so I don’t have to keep squinting at my phone to read its text while I’m working at the cinema cafe. (Tangentially, I think Kobo’s computer interface is…

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updating the TBR list

for my own benefit, so i can find it again. i tell you what, though, i’m reading a lot more than is geting stricken off this list. i’m afraid that might mean i’m still buying books… o.o (sequels! they’re all sequels! they’re…well, some of them are sequels…)

Recent Reads: Pegasus

Somehow I missed Robin McKinley‘s PEGASUS when it came out in 2010. (Oh. 2010. I had a baby. That’s how I missed it. Heh. Anyway.) I spent the first part of the book kind of feeling like I’d outgrown McKinley and that probably my 12 year old self would have died of the happies reading this book but that it (unlike Judith Tarr‘s magnificent LIVING IN THREES) wasn’t actually speaking to my 12 year old self. I did notice, though, that it was…more like Damar…in its writing than…anything else I’d…

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Joanne’s Story

So the postman knocks on the door and I’m all “postman, huh, weird, I wonder what he’s delivering, I’m not expecting anything,” and he hands me this thing that says “art” on the customs slip and I’m all like “art? art? i don’t think i ordered any art? what–oh, from Eleri? Oh, she must have seen something that made her think of me, how sweet of her,” all this while I’m opening the package, and I open it so I’m looking at the back and it says “Joanne’s Story” and…

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