GGK Book Club: The Darkest Road, ch 1-4

I was just sitting here frowning at my website wondering why a post hadn’t automatically posted and I realized it was because I hadn’t written it yet. @.@ And indeed, because I’m supposed to be working, and because I read the whole book at once this time, and don’t have it in my office right now, I’m going to make this a super short post primarily for the purposes of getting it out there rather than having anything insightful to say right now. I’ll try to get insights into the…

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worth the price of admission

I had the sudden suspicion that Scrivener might let me put both my synopsis and the chapter I was working on up in a split screen, and lo, within a few seconds I’d figured out how to do so. That feature alone is worth the price of admission. I’ve also got an obviously-increasingly-useful sidebar going on with research materials filling up, and find a sort of unholy glee in the idea that it’s all just right there to flip through instead of digging through browser bookmarks or random text files.…

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GGK Book Club: The Wandering Fire, ch 13-16

(Chapters 1-4 of THE DARKEST ROAD for next week!) “The crying books” indeed. I don’t remember crying my way through THE WANDERING FIRE before, but I spent the final quarter of the book totally in bits. I’m somewhat concerned about reading THE DARKEST ROAD, particularly the part that *always* reduced me to wracking sobs. I’m going to need a pint of Haagen Daaz, a box of tissues and six hours alone in a soundproof room, apparently. I’m already late posting this, so I’m gonna make a couple quick comments and…

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Reader Questions: process & projects

Joliene asks: [What] drives your writing and keeps the juices flowing? What are the project ideas you have in the works, now that The Walker Papers is being put to bed??? Occasionally what my publisher is looking for drives my writing ideas–that’s what prompted the Strongbox Chronicles, for example, and it’s behind one of the projects I’m putting together now. Far more often, though, it’s a random comment or thought that ends up getting terribly out of control. :) I’ve mentioned before that the Walker Papers were born out of…

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Patreon push!

So we’re doing prety well with the MAGIC & MANNERS Patreon project, having worked our way up to $144 commited toward new chapters in the past ten days or so. To reiterate how it works: you, the patron, pledge to donate whatever small amount you wish toward a new chapter of MAGIC & MANNERS–$.25, $.50, $1, $5–whatever you like! When the pledged donations reach $250, I post a new chapter and press the collection button. If donations remain at $250, the next week I post another chapter, and so on…

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