a reversion of rights

I got some of the best news of my writing career last week and I’m still OVER THE MOON about it. Lo These Many Years Ago, I wrote a trilogy for Harlequin’s quick-to-fail Bombshell line, which were meant to be action-adventure romances, James Bond type stories where the heroine was the Bond character. The line flopped badly for a lot of reasons, and the books I wrote never made any money, but I had a WONDERFUL time writing them and always wanted to do more. In fact, despite the books…

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the to-do list goes ever on

I opened up Workflowy and Skedpal on Sunday and discovered, to my horror, that I hadn’t logged into Workflowy since FEBRUARY. That’s how far behind I am. The good news was most of the February stuff was done…? :} Anyway, I basically spent Monday afternoon doing triage and figuring out what needed to be done and when and trying to lay out a vaguely realistic schedule for the next couple months. Of course, some of the realism of it requires me getting up to work at 6am, and so far…

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Recent Reads: Strong Female Protagonist Vols 1 & 2

Recent Reads: Strong Female Protagonist (Vols 1 & 2) I got volume 2 of SFP for Christmas, which totally surprised me, even though months ago (perhaps longer) Ted had said to me, “SFP Kickstarter! Should I? It won’t be out until December!” and I said, “Oh, yes! It can be a nice Christmas present for me!” And it was! A very surprising one! :) I re-read the first one leading up to v2, as it had been a while. One of the things I enjoy about sort of…early career comics?…

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Revamping my Patreon!

One of my big projects for 2018 is Revamping My Patreon, which has now largely been accomplished. First off, of course, I’ve been running a Patreon a while now, and you’ll find short stories, book proposals, even whole novel drafts here, immediately available when you become a patron. But I’m offering lots of new fun stuff this year! I’ll be writing individual pieces of flash fiction, ranging from up to 250 words all the way to stories of 10K in length on commission, so you get what you ask for!…

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day two books!

struggling with a book

I hoped to get this stupid book all written in November, but with one thing and another (those things being 1. lack of a concentrated plot & 2. a 3 week head cold), I didn’t, and I’ve been despairing over finishing in time, although as Friend #2 below said, “Girl, you can fart 3000 words.” Yesterday, a Thursday, I was despairing to somebody who’s known me for some 20-odd (very odd) years, and the following conversation ensued: Me: I struck 3K+ from this stupid book and have to get another…

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