
So I got outbid on that fabulous 1920s style dress, as I’d expected to. I was regretful but not surprised, and started poking around at other not-quite-so-good ones. Then I got an email from a reader. She’d clicked through to see the dress, her husband had seen her looking at it, surmised that she wanted it, and bid on it for her. “But,” she said, “I didn’t want it, I was just looking at it, so would it be too weird if I just had the seller send it to…

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There’s a book I read when I was about 10, in 6th grade, probably, or possibly 5th. Anyway. I don’t remember the title or author, but the gist of the story was about girl who perhaps became ill and traveled back to ancient Egypt and lived there for a time. At the end of the story there’s some question about whether it really happened or was a fever dream. I loved the book intensely (I’m going to have to make the internet tell me what it was CAT IN THE…

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big career change!

I’ve alluded to this but not spoken much about it: early this year, my agency and I parted ways over what amounts to a disgreement about the direction of my career. It’s a little nerve-wracking to split with an agent of ten years (hence my reluctance to talk about it much!), but in last month the rest of my life slowed down enough that I was able to finally focus on getting a new agent. And I am now delighted to announce that henceforth, I will be a client of…

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know what?

Know what would be great? it would be great if Harry Connolly’s epic fantasy Kickstarter funded in its first 24 hours. It’s more than halfway there already and it launched, um, slightly more than two hours ago. :) If you don’t know Harry’s writing, he’s the author of the acclaimed but tragically not best-selling Twenty Palaces urban fantasy novels, as well as the forthcoming pulp novel KING KHAN from Spirit of the Century/Evil Hat. There’s a lot of hyperbole in cover quotes, but when I offered up one for the…

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I bet I should be reminding people that I’m a guest of honor at ValleyCon in Fargo, ND in just over a month’s time, from Oct 18-20, 2013! I don’t know anything about my schedule yet, but I hope I get a chance to hang out with some people! :)