oh! *sniffle*!

Oh! A month or so ago, Ardian Syaf asked me to do a foreword for his sketchbook for the Singapore Toy Game & Comic Convention, because, as he said, “Considering you’re one of the person who discovered me before Marvel or DC comics did, I think it’s just perfect ” So of course I was delighted to, and I’ve just received a copy of the sketchbook in the mail. It’s beautiful, which I expected. What I didn’t expect is that the last page was left blank so he could do…

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periscope up!

For a minute, anyway. I have written a glorious 3K words over the past 2 days, largely thanks to Michelle (and today Mika!) showing up in the war room at god-awful hours for them (well, not so bad for Mika) so that I have real focus and incentive to get in there the moment Young Indiana goes to preschool and get myself writing. #swoons I’d have gotten more done, probably, except yesterday I started a new manuscript, put the file together, then had the vague sense that maybe I’d done…

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too late.

AC Crispin died today. Fuck.

Worldcon ahoy!

We can finally reveal the geek secret we’ve been sitting on for months: Dublin has announced its intention to seek the bid for hosting WorldCon in 2019. I have known about this since April, and have been biting my knuckles waiting until we could tell everybody. I am *agog* and thrilled at the huge amount of work and thought our fearless leader, James Bacon, has put into our pre-bid preparations. About twenty of us went to the Convention Centre Dublin then (and I can FINALLY post the pictures, yay!), and…

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weekend report

Yesterday morning I got out of bed and discovered I had screwed up my back somehow while sleeping. The weekend has not been *especially* fun, as a result. Despite this, I took Young Indiana to a movie this morning. He only lasted through 30 minutes of the film (Planes: too boring for a 3 year old) and we went to lunch and did some shopping afterward. He was incredibly, incredibly good and helpful and sweet, but I ended up carrying too much, and with my back hurting it just…yeah. God.…

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