As always, I’ll start with the links, just in case that’s what you’re really here for. :) iTunes || Kindle || Kobo || Nook Once upon a time my oldest nephew asked when I was going to write books for little kids. He’s no longer a little kid, and I’ve been working on the Guildmaster Saga for years, handing early drafts over to him and getting the rest ready for the world. I’m SO EXCITED to release this book, which is the kind of thing I’d have been reading from…
Category: CEMurphy
Octocon 2017!
Octocon was this past weekend, and a fine Octocon it was! I decided to do a dealer’s table at the last minute, and it went…well. I brought jam and books. About…70 jars of jam, and 30-40 books. In fact, I had to restock for the second day, because what I’d brought on day one had sold out to the tune of about 80%, which was sort of Beyond My Expectations. I don’t seem to have gotten a picture of the books on day one, but (first photo courtesy of, by…
how earning rewards works for me
Me: I will watch s5 Orphan Black when I have launched BEWITCHING BENEDICT Me: I will watch s5 Orphan Black when I’ve got REDEEMER sorted Me: I will watch s5 Orphan Black when I have this unexpected thing sent off Me: I will watch s5 Orphan Black when KISS OF ANGELS is written Dear Me: when the fuck am I really going to be allowed to watch s5 Orphan Black? Apparently Me: when the entire 22 book to-do list is done. Sometimes I hate me.
Launch Day: Bewitching Benedict!
BEWITCHING BENEDICT is now available on practically all your favourite e-platforms! iTunes || Kindle || Kobo || Nook Go forth! Enjoy! And if you’d like a taste of what you’re in for first, read the first chapter here! This book was a lot of fun to work on, and I learned a great deal about Regency England in the writing of it. For example, I’ve always gone along with the oft-touted belief that young women of quality in the Regency era were ancient and decrepit if they weren’t married by…
Bewitching Benedict teaser chapter!
Bewitching Benedict is currently available for pre-order on: iTunes || Kindle || Kobo || Nook Chapter One The Season had, in Miss Claire Dalton’s estimation, come early, and come directly to her. It had arrived—or was soon to arrive—in the form of her cousin Charles, whom she had not seen since childhood. More interestingly, it was to arrive in the form of two of Charles’s friends, young men he had seen only a few times since leaving for the Coalition Wars more than seven years ago. Claire’s mother had warned…