thinks to do today: – buy the new bon jovi album – buy the new bowie album – buy the latest marvel ultimate graphic novel collection book – write 10,000 words (9200 is close enough) it is possible that one of those things is not like the others. putting my head down for the next several days–through the 17th, if worst comes to worst–to get as many words down on SHAMAN RISES as is humanly possible. to help myself along, yesterday i bought a new laptop. tablet. tabtop? laplet? yesterday…
Category: CEMurphy
The worst they can say is no.
I have no idea when my mother first told me, “You can ask. The worst they can say is no,” but it was certainly long enough ago that it’s become an irrevocable part of my attitude toward life: Always let the other guy say no. You would be *amazed* how much you can achieve by asking. Which brings me immediately into Amanda Palmer’s TED Talk: Watch it if you haven’t already, because it’s fairly inspiring, albeit in a “very few people are that brave” way. Amanda Palmer is a master…
quick signal boost
Judith Tarr is running a sale on her mentoring package (which she is extending through next week, so I’ll update this link later with the new information, but I wanted to get it down so I didn’t forget!). Judy is one of the most brilliant writers I’ve ever read, so she’s well worth hiring if you’re in the market for a writing mentor! Tim Pratt’s Kickstarter ends in just a few hours! I like the Marla books because Marla is such an in-your-face protagonist–not the nicest person in the world,…
I am making people cry with MOUNTAIN ECHOES. Triumph! :) People have asked, so let me say it here: the audio version will probably be out on March 1, which is the official release date. Similarly with any e-book versions you cannot currently find; they may not be out until March 1. I have absolutely no control over this, and hope you are able to find the format of your choice soon. :) The NO DOMINION sale continues through March 1, MOUNTAIN’s official release date. Get it in print or…
Recent Reads: The Blue Sword
I had a hard time reading this for purely physical reason: my copy of THE BLUE SWORD is very probably 30 years old, and the fragile yellowed pages are losing their tenuous grip on the broken spine. I was afraid it would fall apart in my hands, and thus was weirdly careful with not only the book but the reading of it. I believe I’ll seek out Robin McKinley at the nearest possible opportunity, ask her to sign my beloved and battered book, and retire it with honors alongside my…