perpetual moving

We are in a state of perpetual moving. This is not unlike a state of perpetual motion, except it’s also not like it. By last night, we both had a thousand mile stare and were beginning to just shove random shit into boxes. Somehow, despite doing this fifty billion times, there kept being more stuff. The house looked like a pack of 3 year olds had run through strewing junk everywhere. There was little room to manuever around the boxes. Today, two nice men came and took all the packed…

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the essential kit

useful or beautiful

Keep nothing, they say, that you do not know to be useful or find to be beautiful. I’m in the stage of packing my office right now that it’s painfully clear I have a lot of shit that is neither. It’s obvious now, what with moving looming, that many items of sentimental value–Rogue & Gambit figurines collected by myself or by others for me, or mementos like the glass Pepsi bottle I kept from my first trip to the UK & Ireland in 1993–which, while I’m still fond of them,…

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the essential kit


We’ve started watching Defiance. One of my early reactions was “Who *is* that?” about Datak Tarr, who of course turned out to be the utterly wonderful Tony Curran and once I knew that I didn’t know how I couldn’t see it. (I had, in fact, said, “I know who that is but I can’t see it past the makeup.”) Anyway, he’s great and Jaime Murray, who plays his wife, Stahma Tarr, is O.M.G. amazing. OMG. She’s worth watching the show all for herself, although I like other characters as well.…

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the essential kit

That sounds familiar.

“I could be better. I can make it work better and I’m trying to teach myself more discipline because when you have children and you are an artist, you already have more than fills a day. I would also like to have friends, hobbies, maybe read a book sometime.” From How To Be Prolific, an essay/interview with Joss Whedon. At the Irish premiere of Much Ado About Nothing, the moderator said to Joss, “So you finished the biggest movie in history and then immediately turned around and filmed another one…

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the essential kit

things! all the things!

I’m having one of those days where I’ve got a bunch of things bubbling away and none of them are ready to talk about and so what I’m left with is just wanting to seize people and say “I KNOW SUCH COOL PEOPLE OMG LOOK AT THEM, THEY’RE SO COOL!” because I can’t be more specific. Except in a few cases I can. For example: my long-time friend Ellen Million’s coloring book for so-called-grown-ups Kickstarter is heading into its last week and only needs about another $1K to make 10x…

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