Ha’Penny Bridge is Dublin’s oldest bridge, and for a long time, the only bridge over which you could cross the River Liffy. It cost a ha’penny (a half penny) to do so, hence the name.
Category: Photography
Kitsnaps: Christchurch Gates
This was not an easy picture to take. :)
Kitsnaps: Deirdre
There’s not much evidence of it in my portfolio, but my favorite kind of photography is portraits. I have a project in mind (don’t I always?) to celebrate 2016 in Ireland, with a theme/subtitle of something along the lines of “Children of the Revolution: The Ireland Michael Collins Never Imagined,” that focuses heavily (but not exclusively) on Ireland as an immigrant, rather than an emigrant, state. It would be either 100 or 200 photos, probably: half of them portrait shots, and half images of the same people ‘in context’, at…
Kitsnaps: Castle Ross Boats
I’m pretty certain Castle Ross is down in the Killarney area, though I could be wrong and it could be up by Shannon. No, I’m right, I’ve just checked and it is Killarney. Also apparently it’s Ross Castle, not Castle Ross. Oops. :) Anyway, I believe this is one of the restored castles (well, not *this*, this is obviously boats outside of it) and that it was super cool to visit. I also believe I had the camera accidentally set to manual focus for most of this holiday and that…
Kitsnaps: Footsteps
I feel that, what with it being April Fool’s Day, that I ought to have some kind of funny picture to post here today. But I don’t, so this will have to do. Ted, taken on the beach at Cobh on a day of island-wandering.