which sf writer…

I just took the Which SF writer are you? test (link courtesy of Teresa Neilsen Hayden) and came up either Frank Herbert or Isaac Asimov. There are worse fates. :)

ups and downs!

Ups and downs! Big up: I /did/ email M. Brust with the log, and he was greatly entertained by it. (Garrett and Henry both said, “You *didn’t*.” But I did!) Down: Spider magazine rejected my short story. Snif. I’ll have to find somewhere else to submit it to! Hmph!

vampire names

I have succumed to the vampire name meme, mostly because I really rather like mine: The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity: Marion Vig

more hours

I need more hours in the day. Or, better yet, I need to be independently wealthy so I can spend the hours of the day doing what I want instead of working. I could get an art degree in 2 or 3 semesters, for example, if I could go to school full time, and that’d be very keen! Sadly, that has nothing to do with reality. If I could figure out a way to actually pay for the classes (which, incidentally, reminds me that I ought to send in the…

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Ehehe! I got my NaNoWriMo t-shirt in the mail today! I’d forgotten I ordered it, so it was a very nice surprise! I told myself that if I broke 50K words by the end of November, I’d reward myself with one of the ‘No plot? No problem!’ t-shirts. And I did, so I did! Heheheh!