A chapter and a fraction of US edited today, and 1250 words written on Angles. My wrists hurt. Hnf.
Category: Uncategorized
So in a fit of pissiness I ordered a swimsuit off speedo.com, since, yes, apparently NO ONE COULD EVER WANT TO BUY A SWIMSUIT OFF-SEASON, wtf is that all about, anyway, so now I guess I get to wait and see if it fits. Hnf. In other news, I completely forgot I was going to get up and go to the gym this morning, and consequently didn’t. And Lucy is about to fall off the computer monitor. *pushes her back* There, now she’s not anymore. Sherilyn is worried that my…
spurred on
Spurred on by my sister’s encouragement, plus some gushing email from another friend who’s reading Angles, I wrote 2900 words tonight and am now at 21000 or so total. Nearly at the halfway point for wordcount! Slightly less than halfway through the story — I believe the halfway point is somewhere between 7500-10K words out, whereas the wordcount halfway point is a mere 4000 or so words out. Still, I should reach halfway in wordcount by Thursday, I think (I have to edit more US before I can write more…
nice photo
This is a _very_ nice photo of Elijah Wood (Frodo), taken by Viggo Mortensen, who plays Aragorn.
writing update
Oh, other writing update — I heard back from Winifred, who said the Kitling story had real potential (since she didn’t ask for a rewrite, I presume that means real potential to go in the anthology), and then she also praised Trip’s submission effusively. Hee hee hee. :) I seem to have very little to write about right now that isn’t about writing. :)